5-year curriculum

Bishkek International Medical Institute offers a 5-year program. The curriculum The curriculum is designed to provide students with an appropriate foundation for to complete the General Medicine degree program at BMMI.

First year

1 Semester

Kyrgyz Language (B.1.1.1)

Description of discipline: This course is designed to introduce students to the basics of the Kyrgyz language.
To study the discipline, knowledge, skills and competencies obtained by students in a secondary general education school (grammar terminology, work with a dictionary, memorization) are necessary. Acquaintance with the culture, literature and history of the Kyrgyz people. The concept of the main ways of word formation. Grammar skills that ensure communication without distortion of meaning in written and oral communication of a general nature: the main grammatical phenomena characteristic of professional speech.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 4 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-14: Communicate effectively orally and in writing with patients and their families to inform and make joint decisions
IС-3 - capable and ready for written and oral communication in the state language and official languages,
able to master one of the foreign languages to solve professional problems;
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester
Form of control: exam.

Russian Language (B.1.1.2)

Description of discipline: Russian language discipline belongs to the basic part of the "General Professional
Cycle" (B1). The purpose of mastering the discipline is to increase the initial level of proficiency in the Russian
language and to master foreign students with the necessary and sufficient level of communicative competence
to solve social and communicative tasks in various areas of everyday, cultural, professional and scientific activities when communicating with patients, and also for further self-education. Russian language course is aimed at developing and improving the level of students' communicative and speech competence, improving the speech culture of future medical specialists, the level of practical knowledge of the norms of the modern Russian literary language in various areas of the functioning of the Russian language, in its written and oral
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 4 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RЕ-14: Communicate effectively orally and in writing with patients and their families to inform and make joint decisions
IС-3 - capable and ready for written and oral communication in the state language and official languages, able to master one of the foreign languages to solve professional problems;
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester
Form of control: exam.

Latin Language (B.1.1.3)

Description of discipline: Learning Latin at a medical university is a means to master the professional language of medical terminology. Therefore, the focus of the course is the term, its structure and meaning. Therefore, knowledge of the Latin language for a physician makes it possible to understand the terminology of other, related sciences. Learning Latin improves the lexical stock of the physician and facilitates the process of memorizing new words of foreign origin. Latin in medicine is traditionally used as the international terminology of anatomy and pharmacology, as well as in the preparation of recipes. Greek and Latin terminological units: denote the basic concepts of medical practice, generally accepted in medical practice; play the role of a system-forming factor in the formation of medical terminology. The Latin language is most directly connected with all disciplines studied at the faculty, especially with anatomy, biology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, clinical disciplines. The study of the discipline allows laying the foundations of terminological training of future specialists, teaching students to consciously and competently apply medical terms in Latin when studying medical disciplines, as well as competently use terms of Greek-Latin origin in English and Russian in their practical and scientific activities. Upon completion of the course of study, students develop practical skills that allow them to successfully overcome the terminological difficulties of international Greek-Latin terminology, the ability to use the knowledge gained in the subsequent study of other fundamental and clinical disciplines, as well as in the future professional activity of a doctor.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 2 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure (morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole, organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are observed in various diseases and conditions
RE-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body as a whole
GC-1 - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the humanities in various types of professional and social activities;
IC-3 - capable and ready for written and oral communication in the state language and official languages, able
to master one of the foreign languages to solve professional problems;
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester
Form of control: exam.

Philosophy (B.1.1.5)

Description of discipline: The discipline "Philosophy" refers to the basic part of the "General Professional Cycle" (B1). Philosophy is a discipline that provides fundamental knowledge in professional training, and is a discipline for all specializations in accordance with the approved working curriculum of the state component, the humanitarian and social cycle. Philosophy views the world through the prism of a truly human attitude to it, lays the foundations of a humanistic worldview. It contributes to the self-determination of a person in the world, the constructive solution of the most important meaning-life issues, the development of an effective life strategy. Philosophy develops a general theoretical picture of the relationship between man and the world, reveals the deep foundations of culture. Philosophy together with psychology indicate the ways of mastering the cultural content of the emerging personality, which is necessary for entering an independent life and fruitful self-realization. The study of the discipline allows you to form the scientific foundations of a professional understanding of the subject area of philosophy. In the process of education, it is necessary to arm oneself with philosophical knowledge in order to subsequently be able to independently understand complex philosophical issues and issues of life in general. A certain level of philosophical knowledge will give you the opportunity to think independently and creatively, and also allows you to correctly evaluate various philosophical religious views, to distinguish serious teachings from outright charlatanism. All this involves the development of skills and abilities to apply philosophy as a methodological basis for solving a variety of cognitive, research and practical tasks that future medical specialists will meet in their lives. The study of philosophy forms the foundation of the general cultural and general theoretical and humanitarian training of a specialist of any
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 2 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant scientific developments
GC-2 - capable and ready to analyze significant political events and trends, to master the basic concepts and patterns of the world historical process, to respect and care for the historical heritage and traditions, to assess the policy of the state, to form a civic position; GC-4 - is able and ready to work in a team, tolerantly perceive social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester
Form of control: exam

Physics (B.2.1.2)

Description of discipline: The discipline "Physics" is a discipline of the basic part of the natural science cycle of the disciplines of the curriculum in the specialty "Medicine". Studying the course of physics gives biophysical, physical and technical knowledge to medical students; instills the skills and abilities necessary for the direct formation of a doctor-thinker, practitioner and improving professional; and also develops intellectual and practical skills in the field of physical experiment, allowing to evaluate the physical characteristics of a person; formation of independent thinking and creative approach to cognitive activity, as well as the study of sections of applied physics, which consider the principles of operation and capabilities of medical equipment used in diagnosis and treatment (medical physics); study of elements of biophysics: physical phenomena in biological systems, physical properties of these systems, physico-chemical foundations of life processes; training students of safety regulations when working with medical equipment.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 2 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant scientific developments Competencies:
PC-7 - capable and ready to work with medical and technical equipment used in working with patients, apply the capabilities of modern information technologies to solve professional problems; Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester
Form of control: exam.

Biology with elements of ecology (B.2.1.3)

Description of discipline: The study of this discipline forms students' modern knowledge about the basic molecular genetics and cellular mechanisms of the functioning of the body, the basics of genetics and radiobiology, the biological foundations of the vital activity of organisms and their application for subsequent assimilation of biomedical, clinical disciplines and in practical medicine. By the end of studying the discipline, students form a systematic understanding of the levels of organization of life and the fundamental properties of a living organism, an understanding of the role of molecular genetics and cellular mechanisms of functioning of an integral organism, both in normal and pathological conditions, the ability to determine the main signs of hereditary pathology for the diagnosis and prevention of common hereditary human diseases. To give an idea of the biomedical aspects of ecology, biosphere and noosphere.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 2 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RУ-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body as a whole Competencies:
GC-l - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the humanities in various types of professional and social activities; PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester
Form of control: exam

Chemistry (B.2.1.4)

Description of discipline: The discipline "Chemistry" is an extensive field of knowledge, the foundation of many biomedical disciplines and, first of all, biochemistry, molecular biology, immunology and pharmacology. The study is based on a systematic approach to the construction of the entire course on a single theoretical basis based on the concepts of the electronic and spatial structure of organic compounds and the mechanisms of their chemical transformations. The material is presented in the form of the following sections, the most important of which are: "Fundamentals of the structure and reactivity of mono-, poly- and heterofunctional organic compounds", "Biopolymers and their structural components. Bioregulators". The program is aimed at specialized teaching of chemistry at a medical university, in connection with which the discipline can be called "chemistry in medicine". Profilization of chemistry teaching is the consideration of the historical relationship between the development of medicine and chemistry, including organic chemistry, increased attention to classes of biologically important organic compounds (heterofunctional compounds, heterocycles, carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, nucleic acids, lipids), as well as biologically important reactions of these classes of compounds. A separate section of the program is devoted to the consideration of the pharmacological properties of certain classes of organic compounds and the chemical nature of certain classes of medicines.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 2 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RЕ-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body as a whole. Competencies:
GC-l - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the humanities in various types of professional and social activities;
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester
Form of control: exam.

Normal anatomy (B.3.1.2)

Description of discipline: Anatomy is one of the morphological disciplines. It is the science of the form, structure, origin and development of the human body, its systems and organs. Anatomy studies the human structure taking into account biological patterns, age, gender and individual characteristics. Basic methods of anatomy: observation, examination of the body, autopsy, study of an individual organ or group of organs, their internal structure. Modern anatomy is functional because it considers the structure of the human body in connection with its functions. Anatomy is most directly connected with all disciplines studied at the faculty, especially with clinical disciplines. Upon completion of the course, students can describe and distinguish between the normal structure (morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole, organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are observed in various diseases and conditions.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 12 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
Re-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure (morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole, organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are observed in various diseases and conditions
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and pathological processes;
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester; 1 course 2 semester.
Form of control: Test; Exam.

2 Semester

History of Kyrgyzstan (B.1.1.4)

Description of discipline: The discipline "History of Kyrgyzstan" belongs to the basic part of the "General Professional Cycle". The academic discipline is a mandatory subject for study in all educational institutions of Kyrgyzstan. The social purpose of national history is the general humanitarian training of a student on the history of the Kyrgyz people, their statehood, material and spiritual culture. The subject of the study is historical events and processes in the life of the Kyrgyz people, their causes, their connections with the general patterns and trends of the surrounding world, the history of relations between the Kyrgyz people with other peoples and states, the development of national statehood and culture, the activities of historical figures. The student must understand and identify the essence of historical facts, events and processes, the true motivation of certain actions of social forces and their political leaders, leaders; be able to explain a historical phenomenon, identify its trends, assess prospects and predict consequences.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 4 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant scientific developments
GC-1 - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the humanities in various types of professional and social activities; GC-2 - capable and ready to analyze significant political events and trends, to master the basic concepts and patterns of the world historical process, to respect and care for the historical heritage and traditions, to assess the policy of the state, to form a civic position.
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 2 semester.
Form of control: exam.

Maths (B.2.1.2)

Description of discipline: Studying the course of mathematics contributes to the mastery of medical students with the mathematical apparatus necessary for solving theoretical and practical problems, develops their ability to study mathematical literature independently and the ability to express natural science and clinical problems in mathematical language. Forms students' logical thinking, the ability to accurately formulate a task, the ability to isolate the main and secondary, the ability to draw conclusions based on the obtained measurement results. When studying mathematics, students should know mathematical methods for solving problems; basic laws of physics; be able to state physical and mathematical laws and theorems. Students solve physical and mathematical problems. By the end of the course, students demonstrate the basics of differential and integral calculus. They compose and solve differential equations using examples of problems of physical, chemical, pharmaceutical and biomedical content. They possess methods of statistical processing of medical and biological information. Assess the degree of reliability of the data obtained; they are able to make physical measurements and statistically process measurement results and draw appropriate conclusions; they know the methodology of registration of laboratory work protocols; they know the methodology of finding derivatives and integrals; the methodology of modeling biomedical processes using the theory of differential equations.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 2 credits.
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant scientific developments.
IC-1 - capable and ready to work with computer equipment and software for system and application purposes for solving professional problems.
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 2 semester.
Form of control: exam.

General and clinical biochemistry (B.3.1.1)

Description of discipline: A special feature of the discipline is the need to give students theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge that forms a modern clinical and biochemical basis for mastering the core academic disciplines and performing the main professional tasks: prevention and treatment of animal diseases, production of high-quality products and raw materials of animal origin, environmental protection from pollution, etc. The purpose of the discipline "General and clinical biochemistry" is the development of theoretical and practical knowledge by students, the acquisition of skills and abilities in the field of clinical biochemical research for the use of this knowledge in clinical practice by determining quantitative and qualitative biochemical parameters in body fluids, studying the nature of changes in these indicators in pathology and a number of physiological conditions; to form a systematic knowledge of the basic laws of the molecular mechanisms of functioning of biological systems that determine the state of human health and adaptation at the molecular, cellular and organ levels of the whole organism, to create a theoretical basis for further study of medical and clinical disciplines in the specialty of Medicine. The student should know the fundamental and applied issues of modern biochemistry: chemical composition, structure, exchange and functions of molecular and supramolecular formations; mechanisms of enzymatic catalysis, features of the enzymatic composition of organs; basic principles of diagnosis and treatment of diseases associated with impaired functioning of enzymes; mechanisms of regulation and integration of metabolism, providing metabolic and physiological homeostasis of the body; explain the molecular mechanisms of the structure and functional activity of the main organs and tissues. Possess biochemical terminology. Apply and use skills of laboratory instruments, laboratory chemical utensils and other laboratory equipment; performing biochemical laboratory tests in the presence of reagents and methodological materials.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 7 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body as a whole.
GC-l - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the humanities in various types of professional and social activities.
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester; 2 semester.
Form of control: Test; exam.

Normal anatomy (B.3.1.2)

Description of discipline: Anatomy is one of the morphological disciplines. It is the science of the form, structure, origin and development of the human body, its systems and organs. Anatomy studies the human structure taking into account biological patterns, age, gender and individual characteristics. Basic methods of anatomy: observation, examination of the body, autopsy, study of an individual organ or group of organs, their internal structure. Modern anatomy is functional because it considers the structure of the human body in connection with its functions. Anatomy is most directly connected with all disciplines studied at the faculty, especially with clinical disciplines. Upon completion of the course, students can describe and distinguish between the normal structure (morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole, organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are observed in various diseases and conditions.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 12 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
Re-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure (morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole, organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are observed in various diseases and conditions
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and pathological processes;
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 1 semester; 1 course 2 semester.
Form of control: Test; Exam.

Histology, embryology, cytology (B.3.1.3)

Description of discipline: Mastering the discipline "Histology, embryology, cytology" involves obtaining systematic knowledge about the general laws of the development and organization of living matter at the subcellular, cellular, tissue and organ levels as a fundamental theoretical basis for mastering and understanding the essence of physiological and pathological processes in the body, the formation of the conceptual apparatus of medicine and the development of the foundations of clinical thinking. In the process of studying the course, the skills, skills and competencies necessary for understanding morphofunctional changes in the structures of the body in pathology, aging and in the course of treatment are formed; the ability to apply knowledge and skills in the field of histology, embryology and cytology in the study of paraclinical and clinical disciplines, as well as in the professional field when interpreting the results of laboratory research;
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 7 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RЕ-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure (morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole, organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are observed in various diseases and conditions; RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic, toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and traumatic) of disease and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and pathological processes;
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 2 semester; 2 course 1 semester.
Form of control: Test; exam.

Normal physiology (B.3.1.4)

Description of discipline: The discipline "Normal physiology" refers to the basic part and is a mandatory discipline. The objectives of the development of the discipline "Normal physiology" are the knowledge of the functioning of individual organs and systems, as well as the study of their interaction, understanding the mechanisms of regulation of the functions of a healthy organism to master the management of protective and adaptive processes in a healthy and diseased organism aimed at strengthening or restoring human health. Students should know the basics of the doctrine of a healthy lifestyle; the influence of the environment; positive and harmful factors on human health. Students should be able to identify and characterize the factors that have a positive and negative impact on the body in specific conditions of human activity; apply the theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the organization and preparation of research projects, research; formulate research objectives; distinguish physiological, age-sexual normal indicators of a healthy patient from pathological ones. At the end of the course, students possess methods for assessing the main morpho-functional indicators of an adult and a child, methods that allow to establish existing violations of the processes of growth and development of the human body.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 9 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure (morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole, organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are observed in various diseases and conditions
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and pathological processes.
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 2 semester;
Form of control: Exam.

Microbiology, Virology, Immunology (B.3.1.5)

Description of discipline: The subject "Microbiology virology and immunology" is the basis for the development of general medical and clinical disciplines. The subject of study of the discipline "Microbiology, virology" are pathogenic biological agents (PBAs) – microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa), genetically engineered microorganisms, poisons of biological origin (toxins), helminths that cause diseases in humans. The basic biological properties of pathogens, their interaction with the macroorganism and the environment, the mechanisms of protection of the human body are studied. Currently, microorganisms represent by number the most significant and most diverse part of the organisms inhabiting the Earth's biosphere. This served as the basis for the division of all microorganisms into 4 large kingdoms: bacteria, fungi, protozoa and viruses. Each of them is the object of study of separate sections of microbiology, independent disciplines — bacteriology, mycology, protozoology and virology. During the development of microbiology, original research methods were developed, many borrowed from other disciplines — biophysics, biochemistry, genetics, cytology, etc. The task of studying "Microbiology, virology and immunology" is to master theoretical knowledge and practical skills that provide indication and identification of bacteria, viruses and other pathogenic microbes, serological diagnosis of major infectious diseases, as well as methods for isolating and detecting pathogens in the external environment.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 8 credits.
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RЕ-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body as a whole. RO-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic, toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and traumatic) of disease and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases.
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 2 semester; 2 course 3 semester; 2 course 4 semester.
Form of control: credit; credit; exam.

English language (E.3.9.1)

Description of the discipline: The academic discipline "English" is part of the main professional educational program in accordance with the State Higher Educational Institution of the Kyrgyz Republic in the specialty of Medical care. Teaching a foreign language is aimed at the comprehensive development of communicative, informational, socio-cultural, professional and general cultural competencies of students and is an integral part of the professional training of a medical specialist. The training of students is carried out on the basis of the continuity of knowledge, skills and practical skills in a foreign language acquired in general educational institutions. The content and subject matter of the material studied in a foreign language in medical school are closely related to the medical and biological sciences, such as anatomy, biology, physiology and other disciplines that are included in the training program for medical specialists. Teaching foreign languages at a medical institute contributes to the formation of a foreign language communicative competence of a future medical specialist, which allows using a foreign language as a means of professional and interpersonal communication. As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must be able to communicate (orally and in writing) in English on professional and everyday topics; translate (with a dictionary) English texts of a professional orientation; independently improve oral and written speech, replenish vocabulary. Special importance is attached to the study of professional vocabulary and terminology. The amount of discipline in ECTS credits: 3 credits
Results of training in the discipline:
RЕ-14: Effectively communicate verbally and in writing with patients and their families to inform and make joint decisions.
PC-Z - is able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and processes, use methods of economic relations in the healthcare system.
Expected semester and year of study: 1st year 2nd semester.
Form of control: exam.

History of medicine (E.3.9.14)

Description of the discipline: The discipline "History of Medicine" is included in the basic part of the training of specialists. The curriculum is structured in such a way that it has a close connection with the disciplines - history, bioethics, philosophy. The purpose of the course is to study the history, patterns and logic of the development of healing, medicine and medical activity of the peoples of the world throughout the history of mankind. In the course of the history of medicine, much attention is paid to the history of the formation of the profession of a doctor, as well as the stages of the formation of professional medical ethics; to teach students to objectively analyze historical phenomena, achievements and prospects for the development of medicine and healthcare; to show the general patterns of the world-historical process of formation and development of healing and medicine in various countries of the world from ancient times to our time; to reveal the achievements of outstanding civilizations and each epoch in the field of medicine in the context of the progressive development of mankind; to show the interaction of national and international factors in the formation of medical science and practice in various regions of the globe; to acquaint students with the life of outstanding scientists and doctors of the world who determined the fate of medical science and medical activity; to instill ethical principles of medical activity; to show the peculiarities of the development of medical ethics in various civilizations and countries of the world, the philosophical foundations and historical conditions of their formation. By the end of the course, students are able to analyze historical material and navigate the historical process of progressive development of healing and medicine from the origins to the present; understand the logic and patterns of the development of medical thought and activity at various stages of human history and apply this knowledge in their practice; must have the skills to conduct scientific discussion on the most important issues of the general history of medicine; use in their medical activities and communication with patients the knowledge of the history of medicine, culture and medical ethics acquired during training.
The amount of discipline in ECTS credits: 3 credits
Results of training in the discipline:
PO4: demonstrate interest and commitment to learning throughout professional activity, understanding the importance of scientific methodology in order to be aware of relevant scientific achievements.
OK-2 - is capable and ready to analyze significant political events and trends, to master the basic concepts and laws of the world historical process, to respect and respect historical heritage and traditions, to assess state policy, to form a civic position.
Expected semester and year of study: 1st year 2nd semester.
Form of control: exam.

Physical education (E.3.9.14)

Description of the discipline: The discipline "History of Medicine" is included in the basic part of the training of specialists. The curriculum is structured in such a way that it has a close connection with the disciplines - history, bioethics, philosophy. The purpose of the course is to study the history, patterns and logic of the development of healing, medicine and medical activities of the peoples of the world throughout the history of mankind. In the course of the history of medicine, much attention is paid to the history of the formation of the profession of a doctor, as well as the stages of the formation of professional medical ethics; to teach students to objectively analyze historical phenomena, achievements and prospects for the development of medicine and healthcare; to show the general patterns of the world-historical process of the formation and development of healing and medicine in various countries of the world from ancient times to our time; reveal the achievements of outstanding civilizations and each era in the field of medicine in the context of the progressive development of mankind; show the interaction of national and international factors in the formation of medical science and practice in various regions of the globe; to acquaint students with the life of outstanding scientists and doctors of the world, who determined the fate of medical science and medical practice; instill ethical principles of medical practice; to show the features of the development of medical ethics in various civilizations and countries of the world, the philosophical foundations and historical conditions for their formation. By the end of the course, students are able to analyze historical material and navigate the historical process of the progressive development of healing and medicine from the beginning to the present; understand the logic and patterns of development of medical thought and activity at various stages of human history and apply this knowledge in their practice; must have the skills to conduct a scientific discussion on the most important issues in the general history of medicine; use in their medical practice and communication with patients the knowledge of the history of medicine, culture and medical ethics acquired in the process of education.
Volume of discipline in ECTS credits: 3 credits
Learning outcomes by discipline:
LO-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of scientific methodology, in order to keep abreast of relevant scientific developments.
OK-2 is capable and ready to analyze significant political events and trends, to master the basic concepts and patterns of the world historical process, to respect and care for historical heritage and traditions, to assess state policy, to form a civic position.
Expected semester and year of study: 1 course 2 semester.
Form of control: Exam.
