5-year curriculum
Bishkek International Medical Institute offers a 5-year program. The curriculum The curriculum is designed to provide students with an appropriate foundation for to complete the General Medicine degree program at BMMI.

First year
1 Semester
Kyrgyz Language (B.1.1.1)
To study the
discipline, knowledge, skills and competencies obtained by students
in a secondary general education school (grammar terminology, work
with a dictionary, memorization) are necessary. Acquaintance with
the culture, literature and history of the Kyrgyz people. The
concept of the main ways of word formation. Grammar skills that
ensure communication without distortion of meaning in written and
oral communication of a general nature: the main grammatical
phenomena characteristic of professional speech.
RE-14: Communicate effectively orally and in writing with patients
and their families to inform and make joint decisions
IС-3 - capable and ready for written and oral communication in the
state language and official languages,
able to master one of the
foreign languages to solve professional problems;
Russian Language (B.1.1.2)
Cycle" (B1). The
of mastering the discipline is to increase the initial level of
proficiency in the Russian
language and to master foreign
with the necessary and sufficient level of communicative
to solve social and communicative tasks in various areas of
everyday, cultural, professional and scientific activities when
communicating with patients, and also for further self-education.
Russian language course is aimed at developing and improving the
level of students' communicative and speech competence, improving
the speech culture of future medical specialists, the level of
practical knowledge of the norms of the modern Russian literary
language in various areas of the functioning of the Russian
language, in its written and oral
RЕ-14: Communicate effectively orally and in writing with patients
and their families to inform and make joint decisions
IС-3 - capable and ready for written and oral communication in the
state language and official languages, able to master one of the
foreign languages to solve professional problems;
Latin Language (B.1.1.3)
RE-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions
RE-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole
GC-1 - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and
processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the
humanities in various types of professional and social
IC-3 - capable and ready for written and oral communication in the
state language and official languages, able
to master one of the
foreign languages to solve professional problems;
Philosophy (B.1.1.5)
RE-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning
throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of
scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant
scientific developments
GC-2 - capable and ready to analyze significant political events and
trends, to master the basic concepts and patterns of the world
historical process, to respect and care for the historical heritage
and traditions, to assess the policy of the state, to form a civic
GC-4 - is able and ready to work in a team, tolerantly perceive
social, ethnic, confessional and cultural differences
Physics (B.2.1.2)
RE-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning
throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of
scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant
scientific developments
PC-7 - capable and ready to work with medical and technical
equipment used in working with patients, apply the capabilities of
modern information technologies to solve professional problems;
Biology with elements of ecology (B.2.1.3)
RУ-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole
GC-l - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and
processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the
humanities in various types of professional and social activities;
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases
Chemistry (B.2.1.4)
RЕ-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole.
GC-l - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and
processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the
humanities in various types of professional and social
Normal anatomy (B.3.1.2)
Re-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes;
2 Semester
History of Kyrgyzstan (B.1.1.4)
RE-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning
throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of
scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant
scientific developments
GC-1 - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and
processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the
humanities in various types of professional and social activities;
GC-2 - capable and ready to analyze significant political events and
trends, to master the basic concepts and patterns of the world
historical process, to respect and care for the historical heritage
and traditions, to assess the policy of the state, to form a civic
Maths (B.2.1.2)
RE-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning
throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of
scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant
scientific developments.
IC-1 - capable and ready to work with computer equipment and
software for system and application purposes for solving
professional problems.
General and clinical biochemistry (B.3.1.1)
RE-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole.
GC-l - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and
processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the
humanities in various types of professional and social
Normal anatomy (B.3.1.2)
Re-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes;
Histology, embryology, cytology (B.3.1.3)
RЕ-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions;
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of disease and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes;
Normal physiology (B.3.1.4)
RE-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes.
Microbiology, Virology, Immunology (B.3.1.5)
RЕ-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole.
RO-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of disease and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases.
English language (E.3.9.1)
RЕ-14: Effectively communicate verbally and in writing with patients
and their families to inform and make joint decisions.
PC-Z - is able and ready to analyze socially significant problems
and processes, use methods of economic relations in the healthcare
History of medicine (E.3.9.14)
PO4: demonstrate interest and commitment to learning throughout
professional activity, understanding the importance of scientific
methodology in order to be aware of relevant scientific
OK-2 - is capable and ready to analyze significant political events
and trends, to master the basic concepts and laws of the world
historical process, to respect and respect historical heritage and
traditions, to assess state policy, to form a civic position.
Physical education (E.3.9.14)
LO-4: Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning
throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of
scientific methodology, in order to keep abreast of relevant
scientific developments.
OK-2 is capable and ready to analyze significant political events
and trends, to master the basic concepts and patterns of the world
historical process, to respect and care for historical heritage and
traditions, to assess state policy, to form a civic position.
Second year
3 Semester
General and clinical biochemistry (B.3.1.1)
RE-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole.
GC-l - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and
processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the
humanities in various types of professional and social
Histology, embryology, cytology (B.3.1.3)
RЕ-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions;
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of disease and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes;
Microbiology, virology, immunology (B.3.1.5)
RЕ-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole.
RO-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of disease and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases.
Pathological anatomy (B.3.1.7)
RЕ-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions;
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-15 is able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes.
Pathological physiology (B.3.1.8)
RE-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions.
PC-15 is able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes.
Information technologies in medicine (E.3.9.5)
RO-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole.
OK-l - able and ready to analyze socially significant problems and
processes, use the methods of natural sciences, mathematics and the
humanities in various types of professional and social activities;
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases.
Fundamentals of interpersonal communication (E.3.9.11)
RE-5 - To recognize and accept limitations in their knowledge,
skills, attitudes and behavior, constantly improving their
SLC-5 is capable and ready for logical and reasoned analysis, for
public speech, discussion and polemics, for educational and
educational activities, for cooperation.
Fundamentals of legal literacy in medicine (E.3.9.12)
RO-16 is to identify innovative approaches that can benefit
patients, the population and healthcare systems in different states,
paying attention to the quality, safety and importance of patient
care, eliminating health inequalities.
SLK-4 is capable and ready to carry out its activities taking into
account the moral and legal norms accepted in society, comply with
laws and regulations on working with confidential information, bear
social and ethical responsibility for the decisions taken;
PC-2 is capable and ready to analyze the results of its own
activities to prevent medical errors, while being aware of
disciplinary, administrative, civil, criminal liability.
Ethics of a medical workers (E.3.9.13)
RE-5- Recognize and accept limitations in their knowledge, skills,
attitudes and behavior, constantly improving their quality.
RE-10- Demonstrate compliance with ethical principles applicable in
the field of healthcare and the medical profession, including
compassion in professional activities, including patient care and
interaction with colleagues, regardless of differences in beliefs,
identity, race and culture.
SPC-3 is capable and ready for continuous professional development,
self-knowledge, self-development, self-actualization; manage your
time, plan and organize your activities, build a strategy for
personal and professional development and training;
PC-l is capable and ready to comply with the rules of medical
ethics, laws and regulations on working with confidential
information, and to maintain medical secrecy.
Nutrition taking into account the life cycle (E.3.9.16)
RE-8- To interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, to make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account the urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-11 is capable and ready to carry out sanitary and educational
work among the population to eliminate modified risk factors for the
development of diseases, to give recommendations on healthy
4 Semester
Microbiology, virology, immunology (B.3.1.1)
RЕ-2 to recognize the influence of physicochemical, biological and
immune properties of environmental factors (including therapeutic
ones) on the development and course of the disease and on the body
as a whole.
RO-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of disease and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases
Basic pharmalogy (B.3.1.6)
SPC-4 - is able and ready to carry out its activities taking into
account the moral and legal norms accepted in society, comply with
laws and regulations on working with confidential information, bear
social and ethical responsibility for the decisions made;
PC-31 - able and willing to analyze and publicly present medical
information based on evidence-based medicine.
RE-4 - Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning
throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of
scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant
scientific developments
Pathological anatomy (B.3.1.7)
RЕ-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions;
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-15 is able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes.
Propedterapy (B.3.2.1)
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
SPC-2 - able and ready to master the techniques of professional
communication; build interpersonal relationships, work in a group,
constructively resolve conflict situations, tolerate social, ethnic,
confessional and cultural differences;
PC-15 - is able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes.
Propedediatrics (B.3.3.1)
RE-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
SPC-2 - able and ready to master the techniques of professional
communication; build interpersonal relationships, work in a group,
constructively resolve conflict situations, tolerate social, ethnic,
confessional and cultural differences;
PC-15 - is able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes.
Propedsurgery (B.3.4.1)
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate data from clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
SРС-2 - capable and ready to master the techniques of professional
communication; build interpersonal relationships, work in a group,
constructively resolve conflict situations, tolerate social, ethnic,
confessional and cultural differences;
PC-6 is capable and ready to apply methods of asepsis and
antiseptics, to use medical instruments, to master the technique of
patient care.
Patient care (B.3.8.3)
RO-9 - To demonstrate the practice of selfless care for the
well-being of the patient, respect for his privacy and dignity and
ability in a team.
PC-6 is capable and ready to apply methods of asepsis and
antiseptics, to use medical instruments, to master the technique of
patient care.
Radiation diagnostics and therapy (CPV.3.8.11)
RO 6 - Evaluate and analyze achievements and discoveries in
biomedical science and apply new knowledge in practice.
PC-7 is capable and ready to work with medical and technical
equipment used in working with patients, to use the capabilities of
modern information technologies to solve professional tasks.
Assistant nurse (B.5.1)
RЕ-9 - To demonstrate the practice of selfless care for the
well-being of the patient, respect for his privacy and dignity and
ability in a team.
PC-6 - is able and ready to apply methods of asepsis and
antiseptics, use medical instruments, master the technique of
patient care.
Third year
5 Semester
Basic pharmacology (B.3.1.6)
SPC-4 - is able and ready to carry out its activities taking into
account the moral and legal norms accepted in society, comply with
laws and regulations on working with confidential information, bear
social and ethical responsibility for the decisions made;
PC-31 - able and willing to analyze and publicly present medical
information based on evidence-based medicine.
RE-4 - Demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning
throughout the professional life, understanding the importance of
scientific methodology in order to keep abreast of relevant
scientific developments
Propedediatrics (B.3.2.1)
RE-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
SPC-2 - able and ready to master the techniques of professional
communication; build interpersonal relationships, work in a group,
constructively resolve conflict situations, tolerate social, ethnic,
confessional and cultural differences;
PC-15 - is able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes.
Endocrynology (B.3.2.2)
RO-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate data from clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-16 -is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17 -is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures
for the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children
in outpatient and hospital settings;
Childhood diseases (B.3.3.2)
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RЕ -12 - Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate
management strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for
acute and chronic conditions.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Outpatient pediatrics (B.3.3.3)
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive thinking in solving clinical problems;
RЕ-12 - To develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate
management strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for
acute and chronic conditions.
PC-l0 is capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases;
PC-16 is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17 is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for
the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children in
outpatient and hospital settings;
General hygiene (B.3.8.2)
RЕ-15 is to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to
promote the improvement of public health at the individual and
public level, respecting the needs of various groups.
PC-25 is capable and ready to teach the population basic hygiene
measures and educational activities for the formation of healthy
lifestyle skills.
Bioethics (CPV.3.8.12)
RЕ-4: demonstrate interest and commitment to learning throughout
professional activity, understanding the importance of scientific
methodology in order to be aware of relevant scientific
RЕ-16 is to identify innovative approaches that can benefit
patients, the population and healthcare systems in different states,
paying attention to the quality, safety and importance of patient
care, eliminating health inequalities.
PC-32 is capable and ready to plan and conduct
scientific research.
Ophthalmology (КПВ.3.8.13)
PЕ8- Interpret, analyze and evaluate data from clinical, laboratory
and instrumental diagnostic methods, make a treatment plan,
including emergency care, taking into account urgent and priority
signs of the disease.
PC-16 -is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17- is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures
for the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children
in outpatient and hospital settings.
Otolaryngology diseases (CPV.3.8.14)
RЕ-8- Interpret, analyze and evaluate data from clinical, laboratory
and instrumental diagnostic methods, make a treatment plan,
including emergency care, taking into account urgent and priority
signs of the disease.
PC-16 is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17 is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for
the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children in
outpatient and hospital settings;
Dentistry (CPV.3.8.17)
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-l0 - is capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases.
Topographic anatomy (CPV.3.8.19)
RO-1-describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions.
PC-15 is able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes;
Medical parasitology (E.3.9.3)
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body.
PC-l0 - is capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases.
Evidence-based medicine (E.3.9.4)
RЕ -4: demonstrate interest and commitment to learning throughout
professional activity, understanding the importance of scientific
methodology in order to be aware of relevant scientific
RЕ-6 - Evaluate and analyze achievements and discoveries in
biomedical science and apply new knowledge in practice.
PC-31 is capable and ready to analyze and publicly present medical
information based on evidence-based medicine.
6 Semester
Hematology (B.3.2.3)
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting.
Faculty therapy (B.3.2.5)
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems.
PC-4 - able and ready to conduct a pathophysiological analysis of
clinical syndromes, substantiate pathogenetically justified methods
(principles) of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention
among the population, taking into account age and sex groups;
PC-14 - able and ready to make a diagnosis based on the results of
biochemical and clinical studies, taking into account the course of
pathology in organs, systems and in general;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
Hospital theraphy (B.3.2.6)
RE-7 - Apply deductive
reasoning in
solving clinical problems;
PC-4 - able and ready to conduct a pathophysiological analysis of
clinical syndromes, substantiate pathogenetically justified methods
(principles) of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention
among the population, taking into account age and sex groups;
PC-14 - capable and ready to make a diagnosis based on the results
of biochemical and clinical studies, taking into account the course
of pathology in organs, systems and in general;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Childhood diseases (B.3.3.2)
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RЕ -12 - Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate
management strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for
acute and chronic conditions.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Outpatient pediatrics (B.3.3.3)
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive thinking in solving clinical problems;
RЕ-12 - To develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate
management strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for
acute and chronic conditions.
PC-l0 is capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases;
PC-16 is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17 is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for
the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children in
outpatient and hospital settings;
Surgical diseases (B.3.4.2)
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting.
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RE-12 - Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate management
strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for acute and
chronic conditions.
Pediatric surgery (KPV.3.8.12)
LO-4: demonstrate an interest in and commitment to learning
throughout the professional life, an understanding of the importance
of scientific methodology, in order to keep abreast of relevant
scientific developments;
RO-16- Identify innovative approaches that can benefit patients,
populations and health care systems in different countries, focusing
on the quality, safety and value of patient care, addressing health
PK-32 - capable and ready to plan and conduct scientific
Operative surgery (B.3.4.5)
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate data from clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-16 is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17 is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for
the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children in
outpatient and hospital settings;
Obstetrics and gynecology (B.3.5)
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body;
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
Competencies: PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for
making a diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into
account the ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify
urgent and life-threatening conditions;
PC-2l - able and ready to conduct a physiological pregnancy,
Dermatovenerology (CPV.3.8.6)
RE-8- To interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, to make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account the urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-l - is able and ready to comply with the rules of medical ethics,
laws and regulations on working with confidential information, to
maintain medical secrecy;
PC-16- is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17- is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures
for the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children
in outpatient and hospital settings;
Medical genetics (CPV.3.8.19)
PO-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions.
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes;
Assistant paramedic of ambulance and emergency (B.5.2)
RO-9 - Demonstrate the practice of selfless care for the well-being
of the patient, respect for his private life and dignity and ability
in a team;
RO11 is to demonstrate responsible behavior expected of physicians,
including accountability, patient confidentiality, punctuality,
prioritizing the needs of others, and understanding how beliefs,
values, and conflicts of interest can affect patient care.
PC-18 is capable and ready to provide medical care for acute
diseases, conditions of exacerbation of chronic diseases that are
not accompanied by a threat to the patient's life and do not require
emergency medical care;
Fourth year
7 Semester
Professional diseases (B.3.2.4)
RЕ 7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-9 - is able and ready to know the main issues and conduct an
examination of working capacity (temporary) and prevention of
disability among the adult population and children;
Faculty therapy (B.3.2.5)
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems.
PC-4 - able and ready to conduct a pathophysiological analysis of
clinical syndromes, substantiate pathogenetically justified methods
(principles) of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention
among the population, taking into account age and sex groups;
PC-14 - able and ready to make a diagnosis based on the results of
biochemical and clinical studies, taking into account the course of
pathology in organs, systems and in general;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
Hospital theraphy (B.3.2.6)
RE-7 - Apply deductive
reasoning in
solving clinical problems;
PC-4 - able and ready to conduct a pathophysiological analysis of
clinical syndromes, substantiate pathogenetically justified methods
(principles) of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention
among the population, taking into account age and sex groups;
PC-14 - capable and ready to make a diagnosis based on the results
of biochemical and clinical studies, taking into account the course
of pathology in organs, systems and in general;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Childhood diseases (B.3.3.2)
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RЕ -12 - Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate
management strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for
acute and chronic conditions.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Outpatient pediatrics (B.3.3.3)
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive thinking in solving clinical problems;
RЕ-12 - To develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate
management strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for
acute and chronic conditions.
PC-l0 is capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases;
PC-16 is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17 is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for
the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children in
outpatient and hospital settings;
Children’s infectious diseases (B.3.3.5)
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Surgical diseases (B.3.4.2)
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting.
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RE-12 - Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate management
strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for acute and
chronic conditions.
Traumatoogy and orthopedics, children’s trauma (B.3.4.6)
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
PC-20 - capable and ready to provide medical assistance in emergency
situations, including those requiring medical evacuation;
Obstetrics and gynecology (B.3.5)
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body;
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
Competencies: PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for
making a diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into
account the ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify
urgent and life-threatening conditions;
PC-2l - able and ready to conduct a physiological pregnancy,
Oncology (B.3.4.9)
PO-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Assistant hospital doctor (B.5.3)
RЕ-9 - Demonstrate the practice of selfless care for the well-being
of the patient, respect for his private life and dignity and ability
in a team;
RЕ-11- Demonstrate responsible behavior expected of physicians,
including accountability, patient confidentiality, punctuality,
prioritizing the needs of others, and understanding how beliefs,
values, and conflicts of interest can affect patient care.
PC-18 is capable and ready to provide medical care for acute
diseases, conditions of exacerbation of chronic diseases that are
not accompanied by a threat to the patient's life and do not require
emergency medical care;
8 Semester
Faculty therapy (B.3.2.5)
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems.
PC-4 - able and ready to conduct a pathophysiological analysis of
clinical syndromes, substantiate pathogenetically justified methods
(principles) of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention
among the population, taking into account age and sex groups;
PC-14 - able and ready to make a diagnosis based on the results of
biochemical and clinical studies, taking into account the course of
pathology in organs, systems and in general;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
Hospital theraphy (B.3.2.6)
RE-7 - Apply deductive
reasoning in
solving clinical problems;
PC-4 - able and ready to conduct a pathophysiological analysis of
clinical syndromes, substantiate pathogenetically justified methods
(principles) of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention
among the population, taking into account age and sex groups;
PC-14 - capable and ready to make a diagnosis based on the results
of biochemical and clinical studies, taking into account the course
of pathology in organs, systems and in general;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Otpatient therapy (B.3.2.8)
RE-12- Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate management
strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for acute and
chronic conditions;
RE-15- Demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to promote the
improvement of the health of the population at the individual and
community level, respecting the needs of various groups.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
PC-19 - able and ready to provide first aid in case of emergency and
life-threatening conditions, refer patients for hospitalization in a
planned and emergency manner;
Childhood diseases (B.3.3.2)
RЕ-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RЕ -12 - Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate
management strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for
acute and chronic conditions.
PC-l0 - capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-infectious diseases;
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Surgical diseases (B.3.4.2)
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting.
Learning outcomes by discipline:
RE-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RE-12 - Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate management
strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for acute and
chronic conditions.
Urology (B.3.4.7)
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;
Obstetrics and gynecology (B.3.5)
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body;
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
Competencies: PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for
making a diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into
account the ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify
urgent and life-threatening conditions;
PC-2l - able and ready to conduct a physiological pregnancy,
Family medicine (B.3.6)
RO 7- Apply deductive thinking in solving clinical problems.
PC-5- is able and ready to conduct and interpret a survey, physical
examination, clinical examination, the results of modern laboratory
and instrumental studies, write a medical record of an outpatient
and inpatient patient of an adult and a child;
PC-9 -is able to apply up-to-date information on the health
indicators of children and adults at the level of various health
care units in order to develop evidence-based measures to improve
and preserve the health of the population;
PC-10- is able to use methods of assessing natural (including
high-altitude) and medico-social environmental factors in the
development of diseases in adults and children;
PC-11 - to carry out preventive measures to prevent infectious,
parasitic and non-communicable diseases, to carry out sanitary and
educational work on hygienic issues;
PC-16- is able to analyze the patterns of functioning of individual
organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and physiological
foundations, basic methods of clinical and immunological examination
and assessment of the functional state of the body of an adult and
children for timely diagnosis of diseases and pathological
PC-17- is able to identify the main pathological symptoms and
syndromes of diseases in patients, using knowledge of the basics of
biomedical and clinical disciplines, taking into account the laws of
the course of pathology in organs, systems and the body as a whole,
analyze the patterns of functioning of various organs and systems in
various diseases and pathological processes, use an algorithm for
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
Fundamentls of communication psychology and medical communication (E.3.9.10)
RЕ -5- To recognize and accept limitations in their knowledge,
skills, attitudes and behavior, constantly improving their quality.
RЕ-9 - To demonstrate the practice of selfless care for the
well-being of the patient, respect for his privacy and dignity and
ability in a team.
SРС-3 is capable and ready for continuous professional development,
self-knowledge, self-development, self-actualization; manage your
time, plan and organize your activities, build a strategy for
personal and professional development and training;
Coronavirus (COVID-19): Newchallenges (E.3.9.17)
RЕ-13- To demonstrate honesty and decency in relations with patients
and their families and colleagues, observing medical secrecy and
confidentiality in their professional life.
PC-l0 is capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases;
Assistant hospital doctor (B.5.3)
RЕ-9 - Demonstrate the practice of selfless care for the well-being
of the patient, respect for his private life and dignity and ability
in a team;
RЕ-11- Demonstrate responsible behavior expected of physicians,
including accountability, patient confidentiality, punctuality,
prioritizing the needs of others, and understanding how beliefs,
values, and conflicts of interest can affect patient care.
PC-18 is capable and ready to provide medical care for acute
diseases, conditions of exacerbation of chronic diseases that are
not accompanied by a threat to the patient's life and do not require
emergency medical care;
Epidemiology (B.3.8.4)
RЕ-13 - Demonstrate honesty and integrity in dealing with patients
and their families and colleagues by respecting medical secrecy and
confidentiality in their professional lives.
PC-13 - capable and ready to carry out anti-epidemic measures,
protect the population in foci of especially dangerous infections,
in case of deterioration of the radiation situation and natural
disasters and other emergencies.
Fifth year
9 Semester
Outpatient surgery (Б.3.4.3)
RE-7 - Apply deductive reasoning in solving clinical problems;
RE-12 - Develop and demonstrate the basics of appropriate management
strategies (preventive, diagnostic and therapeutic) for acute and
chronic conditions
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
PC-17 - able and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures for the
most common diseases and conditions in the adult population and
children on an outpatient basis and in a hospital setting;>
Family medicine (B.3.6)
RO 7- Apply deductive thinking in solving clinical problems.
PC-5- is able and ready to conduct and interpret a survey, physical
examination, clinical examination, the results of modern laboratory
and instrumental studies, write a medical record of an outpatient
and inpatient patient of an adult and a child;
PC-9 -is able to apply up-to-date information on the health
indicators of children and adults at the level of various health
care units in order to develop evidence-based measures to improve
and preserve the health of the population;
PC-10- is able to use methods of assessing natural (including
high-altitude) and medico-social environmental factors in the
development of diseases in adults and children;
PC-11 - to carry out preventive measures to prevent infectious,
parasitic and non-communicable diseases, to carry out sanitary and
educational work on hygienic issues;
PC-16- is able to analyze the patterns of functioning of individual
organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and physiological
foundations, basic methods of clinical and immunological examination
and assessment of the functional state of the body of an adult and
children for timely diagnosis of diseases and pathological
PC-17- is able to identify the main pathological symptoms and
syndromes of diseases in patients, using knowledge of the basics of
biomedical and clinical disciplines, taking into account the laws of
the course of pathology in organs, systems and the body as a whole,
analyze the patterns of functioning of various organs and systems in
various diseases and pathological processes, use an algorithm for
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
Public health and helthcare (CPV.3.8.1)
RЕ -13- To demonstrate honesty and decency in relations with
patients and their families and colleagues, observing medical
secrecy and confidentiality in their professional life.
RЕ-16- is to identify innovative approaches that can benefit
patients, the population and healthcare systems in different states,
paying attention to the quality, safety and importance of patient
care, eliminating health inequalities.
IK-4 - is able and ready to use management methods; organize the
work of performers; find and make responsible management decisions
in the context of different opinions and within their professional
PC-8- is able and ready to apply up-to-date information on the
health indicators of the population at the health care facility
PC-11- is capable and ready to carry out sanitary and educational
work among the population to eliminate modified risk factors for the
development of diseases, to give recommendations on healthy
PC-26- is capable and ready to use the regulatory documentation
adopted in the healthcare of the Kyrgyz Republic, as well as used in
international practical medicine;
PC-27- is able and ready to use the knowledge of the structure of
healthcare organizations, the referral and redirection system;
PC-29- is capable and ready to assess the quality of medical care
using basic medical and statistical indicators;
PC-33 -is capable and ready to introduce new methods and techniques
aimed at protecting public health.
Epidemiology (B.3.8.4)
RЕ-13 - Demonstrate honesty and integrity in dealing with patients
and their families and colleagues by respecting medical secrecy and
confidentiality in their professional lives.
PC-13 - capable and ready to carry out anti-epidemic measures,
protect the population in foci of especially dangerous infections,
in case of deterioration of the radiation situation and natural
disasters and other emergencies.
Clinical pharmacology (CPV.3.8.2)
RЕ-6- Evaluate and analyze achievements and discoveries in
biomedical science and apply new knowledge in practice.
SРС-4- is capable and ready to carry out its activities taking into
account the moral and legal norms accepted in society, comply with
laws and regulations on working with confidential information, bear
social and ethical responsibility for the decisions taken;
Psychiatry and neurology (CPV.3.8.8)
PO-8- To interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, to make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account the urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
SLK-4 is capable and ready to carry out its activities taking into
account the moral and legal norms accepted in society, comply with
laws and regulations on working with confidential information, bear
social and ethical responsibility for the decisions taken;
PC-7 is able to apply the basics of infection control and methods of
asepsis and antiseptics, use medical instruments, master the
technique of caring for sick adults and children;
Phthisiology (CPV.3.8.15)
RE-8- To interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, to make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account the urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-12 is able and ready to select individuals for observation,
taking into account the results of mass tuberculin diagnostics and
fluorographic examination, to evaluate the results for the purpose
of early detection of tuberculosis;
Tropical medicine (E.3.9.6)
PO8- Interpret, analyze and evaluate data from clinical, laboratory
and instrumental diagnostic methods, make a treatment plan,
including emergency care, taking into account urgent and priority
signs of the disease.
PC-l0 -is capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases,
Management in healthcare (E.3.9.8)
RO-16- is to identify innovative approaches that can benefit
patients, the population and healthcare systems in different states,
paying attention to the quality, safety and importance of patient
care, eliminating health inequalities.
PC-3 - is able and ready to analyze socially significant problems
and processes, use methods of economic relations in the healthcare
Assistant physician of the CSM (B.5.4)
RЕ -9 - Demonstrate the practice of selfless care for the well-being
of the patient, respect for his private life and dignity and the
ability to work in a team;
RЕ-11- is to demonstrate responsible behavior expected of
physicians, including accountability, patient confidentiality,
punctuality, prioritizing the needs of others, and understanding how
beliefs, values, and conflicts of interest can affect patient
PC-18 -is capable and ready to provide medical care for acute
diseases, conditions of exacerbation of chronic diseases that are
not accompanied by a threat to the patient's life and do not require
emergency medical care;
10 Semester
Basics of clinical examinations in internal diseases (B.3.2.7)
RE-6- Assess and analyze achievements and discoveries in biomedical
science and apply new knowledge in practice.
PC-33 - capable and ready to introduce new methods and techniques
aimed at protecting public health;
Basics of clinical examinations in pediatrics (B.3.3.4)
RE-6 - Assess and analyze achievements and discoveries in biomedical
science and apply new knowledge in practice.
PC-14 - capable and ready to make a diagnosis based on the results
of biochemical and clinical studies, taking into account the course
of pathology in organs, systems and in general;
PC-15 - able and ready to analyze the patterns of functioning of
individual organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and
physiological features, basic methods of clinical and laboratory
examination and assessment of the functional state of the body of an
adult and children, for the timely diagnosis of diseases and
pathological processes;
Anesthesiology, intensive care, emergencies (B.3.4.8)
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate data from clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
RЕ-13 - To demonstrate honesty and decency in relations with
patients and their families and colleagues, observing medical
secrecy and confidentiality in their professional life.
PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for making a
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications), to perform basic
diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-19 - able and ready to provide first aid in case of emergency and
life-threatening conditions, refer patients for hospitalization in a
planned and emergency manner;
Family medicine (B.3.6)
RO 7- Apply deductive thinking in solving clinical problems.
PC-5- is able and ready to conduct and interpret a survey, physical
examination, clinical examination, the results of modern laboratory
and instrumental studies, write a medical record of an outpatient
and inpatient patient of an adult and a child;
PC-9 -is able to apply up-to-date information on the health
indicators of children and adults at the level of various health
care units in order to develop evidence-based measures to improve
and preserve the health of the population;
PC-10- is able to use methods of assessing natural (including
high-altitude) and medico-social environmental factors in the
development of diseases in adults and children;
PC-11 - to carry out preventive measures to prevent infectious,
parasitic and non-communicable diseases, to carry out sanitary and
educational work on hygienic issues;
PC-16- is able to analyze the patterns of functioning of individual
organs and systems, use knowledge of anatomical and physiological
foundations, basic methods of clinical and immunological examination
and assessment of the functional state of the body of an adult and
children for timely diagnosis of diseases and pathological
PC-17- is able to identify the main pathological symptoms and
syndromes of diseases in patients, using knowledge of the basics of
biomedical and clinical disciplines, taking into account the laws of
the course of pathology in organs, systems and the body as a whole,
analyze the patterns of functioning of various organs and systems in
various diseases and pathological processes, use an algorithm for
diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into account the
ICD, perform basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and
life-threatening conditions;
Sectional course (CPV.3.8.5)
RE-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions
PC-4 -is capable and ready to conduct pathophysiological analysis of
clinical syndromes, to justify pathogenetically justified methods
(principles) of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention
among the population, taking into account age and gender groups;
Neurology with the basics of seurosurgery (CPV.3.8.9)
RE-8- Interpret, analyze and evaluate data from clinical, laboratory
and instrumental diagnostic methods, make a treatment plan,
including emergency care, taking into account urgent and priority
signs of the disease.
PC-16- is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-17- is capable and ready to perform basic therapeutic measures
for the most common diseases and conditions in adults and children
in outpatient and hospital settings;
Forensic medicine with jurisprudence (CPV.3.8.16)
SLK-4 is capable and ready to carry out its activities taking into
account the moral and legal norms accepted in society, comply with
laws and regulations on working with confidential information, bear
social and ethical responsibility for the decisions taken;
PC-14- is capable and ready to make a diagnosis based on the results
of biochemical and clinical studies, taking into account the course
of pathology in organs, systems and in general;
PO-1, describe and distinguish between the normal structure
(morphology) and function (physiology) of the body as a whole,
organs and systems, as well as pathological changes that are
observed in various diseases and conditions;
RO-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body.
Infectious diseases (CPV.3.8.18)
RЕ-8- To interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, to make a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account the urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
PC-l0- is capable and ready to carry out preventive measures to
prevent infectious, parasitic and non-communicable diseases;
General physiotherape, VKiLFK (E.3.9.7)
RЕ-6- Evaluate and analyze achievements and discoveries in
biomedical science and apply new knowledge in practice.
PC-7- is capable and ready to work with medical and technical
equipment used in working with patients, to use the capabilities of
modern information technologies to solve professional tasks;
PC-22- is capable and ready to apply rehabilitation measures
(medical, social and professional) among the population with the
most common pathological conditions and injuries of the body;
PC-23 -is able and ready to give recommendations on the choice of
regimen, to determine indications and contraindications for the
appointment of physical therapy, physiotherapy, non-drug therapy, to
use the main resort factors in the treatment of adults and
Disaster medicine (E.3.9.15)
RЕ-13- To demonstrate honesty and decency in relations with patients
and their families and colleagues, observing medical secrecy and
confidentiality in their professional life.
PC-20 - capable and ready to provide medical assistance in emergency
situations, including those requiring medical evacuation;
PC-30- is capable and ready to organize medical assistance in
emergency situations, including medical evacuation.
Therapy (B.6.2)
RE-15- Demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to promote the
improvement of public health at the individual and public level,
respecting the needs of different groups.
PC-16- is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-21- is capable and ready to conduct physiological pregnancy,
Pediatrics (B.6.3)
RO-15 -is to demonstrate the knowledge and skills necessary to
promote the improvement of public health at the individual and
public level, respecting the needs of different groups.
PC-16 -is able and ready to use the algorithm of diagnosis (main,
concomitant, complications) taking into account the ICD, perform
basic diagnostic measures to identify urgent and life-threatening
PC-21- is capable and ready to conduct physiological pregnancy,
Obstetrics and gynecology (B.3.5)
RЕ-3: analyze various causes (genetic, intrauterine, metabolic,
toxic, microbiological, autoimmune, neoplastic, degenerative and
traumatic) of painful and borderline conditions in the body;
RЕ-8 - Interpret, analyze and evaluate the data of clinical,
laboratory and instrumental diagnostic methods, draw up a treatment
plan, including emergency care, taking into account urgent and
priority signs of the disease.
Competencies: PC-16 - is able and ready to use the algorithm for
making a diagnosis (main, concomitant, complications) taking into
account the ICD, to perform basic diagnostic measures to identify
urgent and life-threatening conditions;
PC-2l - able and ready to conduct a physiological pregnancy,
3 semester
General and clinical biochemistry Histology, embryology, cytology Microbiology, virology, immunology Pathological anatomy Pathological physiology Information technologies in medicine Fundamentals of interpersonal communication Fundamentals of legal literacy in medicine Ethics of a medical worker Nutrition taking into account the life cycle Physical Culture
9 Semester
Outpatient surgery Family medicine Public health and helthcare Epidemiology Psychiatry and neurology Phthisiology Tropical medicine Management in healthcare Assistant physician of the CSM
10 Semester
Basics of clinical examinations in internal diseases Basics of clinical examinations in pediatrics Anesthesiology, intensive care, emergencies Sectional course Neurology with the basics of seurosurgery Forensic medicine with jurisprudence Infectious diseases General physiotherape, VKiLFK Disaster medicine Therapy Pediatrics Surgery Obstetrics and gynecology